By Jessie Moser
Board members of KSLA-CE volunteered at Family Literacy Night held in the evening of April 10, 2024, at the Jewish Day School in Allentown. The school offered a meal for families, a book exchange and literacy-based activities for kids and parent education. Julie Borden distributed and explained the contents of information packets that emphasized the big five for literacy: phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. She encouraged them to play words games in the car, to have scavenger hunts with clues In the house, and to help kids have so much fun that they don’t even realize that they are learning. She recommended resources available online through the Florida University Literacy Center
Jessie Moser reminded parents what it feels like when their kids decode by having the parents look at geometric symbols that each represented the 26 letters of the alphabet; they were asked to decode two sentences using the code. Parents also got to make and take some comprehension tools like a retelling booklet and a phonics and vocabulary folder with sheet protectors for reusable word find fun.

While parents were learning, LeaAnne Graffe and Darlene Sanderson helped with the kid’s activities that included folding and coloring storytelling cubes, a gardening activity and visiting a coloring station. One of the parents shared a Dr. Suess book which the kids listened to with a couple of nice big cookies. They left with a book, a bag of storytelling cubes, a seed pot to watch grow and a book.
Some of the kids acted out a Reader’s Theatre for their parents entitled, The Case of the Missing Socks. They used cute props to bring their story alive. Here is the link to preview the source of the reader’s theatre: