Join us!
As a KSLA member, you will be a part of a statewide organization comprised of individuals who are interested in reading instruction, literacy development, and the encouragement of life-long reading habits. KSLA’s mission is to empower educators, leaders, and the community by providing opportunities and resources to make literacy accessible for all. Together with our 29 local councils across the state, we welcome you as we work together to promote literacy. When you join KSLA, you automatically become a member of your local council as well.
Benefits of Membership
- Reduced registration fees for the annual conference (where you may receive Act 48 credits)
- Keystone Reader, KSLA’s newsletter published tri-annual Pennsylvania Reads, KSLA’s peer-reviewed journal published annually
- Families and Reading packet available on-line to each member for Families and Reading Month (April)
- Participation in KSLA’s efforts on behalf of literacy and education throughout the state
- Act 48 hours for Professional Development activities such as published articles in Pennsylvania Reads and local council activities
- Local council membership professional opportunities and community engagement
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